June and June Website Audit

How is a website audit useful?

Every day, I stumble across websites that hurt my eyeballs.

It’s becoming more and more common for businesses to DIY their own website, or have it built by a friend, or even worse source a contractor through fiver. YIKES!

The simple fact is, as a business owner, you don’t know what you don’t know. We often miss what’s right in front of us, don’t take the time to take a critical look at our own work, or can’t see our own offering through the eyes of our clients.

Live audit

To share with you the types of areas I look at when conducting a site review, I’ve recorded a live mini audit I completed for Melina Opscenica.

This review is unedited, so you’re getting my full range of thoughts, and viewing the pages as a new client would view them.

I try to make these audits positive, jam packed with tips and value, and explain the reasoning behind why I’d change specific areas. 

Part one, SEO and home

Part two, general site review

Part three, security considerations

Were you making these website mistakes?

I hope these points have given you some food for thought, and some ideas for improving your own website! If you want to work through some of the pre work questions as mentioned in video one, I’ve included a link to download a printable copy below. 

Connect with me

Please head on over to Instagram to join the discussion and let me know what you thought of the information shared!

Want your own custom audit?

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